
What Are Art Breaks?

Art-Breaks are moments of creativity, big or small, that enrich our lives. I believe that the act of creating is an important part of self-care. It complements mindfulness to allow for a greater personal connection to the here and now. Creative expression can help you connect more fully with yourself, relieve stress and anxiety, and even help you work through your thoughts and emotions in a healthy and productive way. I invite you to take a break and create!

Explore the categories below for fun projects, tips, and resources to learn how you can incorporate art-breaks into your personal self-care routine! Click on the photos to learn more about each section.


The Creative Self-Care Planner

This planner and journal goes beyond a standard planner to include monthly and weekly planning pages, space for personal reflection and creative prompts. It is not dated so you can start at anytime throughout your year without “wasting” valuable pages! It provides a lovely snapshot of your year while helping you stay focused on planning & creating the life you want to live.


This section includes pintables, tips, and online resources to spark your creativity. The process of creating offers a powerful link to mindfulness that can lead to a deeper connection with self. Creative self-care is a practice that can be enjoyed by anyone. There is no need to consider yourself an artist to explore the many benefits of this practice!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Albert Einstein

MY Mission

All humans are creative, it is our birthright! Art -breaks are moments of creative expression, accessible to anyone. My mission is to help you connect with your own inner creative spirit and to build a practice that speaks to your soul.

About Me

Jennifer MacIsaac is an artist, art teacher, creative mindfulness practitioner, creativity coach, and writer. She loves to help people connect with their inner creativity.